28 March 2008

SSIS > VS Export wizard: table to Excel

After using the SSIS > VS Export wizard for table to Excel, you must add DROP TABLE Query to the Event Handlers tab or else it will error the second time it is reRun. SSIS

SSIS > VS Import wizard for Excel to table:

  • Be sure to only checkmark Results$.
  • Be sure to Select Delete table option.
  • Be sure to Change Results$ name to Destination table name.
  • If there is an error, it is often because a row in Excel has a NULL but the table column is NOT NULL (so add a blank to the Excel field).

07 March 2008


' Currently this VBScript is set to replace-commas-with-pipes for every file that is 
'in the folder where this VBScript sits: 
' Before run it do the following:
' 1. Open VBScript in text editor
' 2. Set the parameters:
'        cFolder_Name = "." ' current directory
'        cOnlyOneFile = False ' set to True if I want to process only one file with name set below
'        cOnlyFileName = "thisfile.csv"
' 3. Place the VBScript into the target folder
' 4. Run it by double-click
' Notes: http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.excel.misc/browse_thread/thread/79ddd204ebb88287/be5d195da9241df9%23be5d195da9241df9
' -------------------------------------------------------
On Error Resume Next

const cFolder_Name = "."  ' current directory
const cOnlyOneFile = False ' False, So all files in the folder.
const cOnlyFileName = "thisfile.csv" ' Uses this if the above was True (only wanted to process 1 file).

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Get folder:
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(cFolder_Name)
If oFolder Is Nothing Or Err.Number <> 0 Then
  MsgBox "Can't get a folder for search files. " + vbCRLF + "Please check the folder name." + vbCRLF + Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fatal error!" ' I will probably comment this out when this VBScript runs automatically as a scheduled job.
End If

Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
If Err.Number <> 0 Or oFiles Is Nothing Then
  MsgBox "Can't get a list of files of folder." + vbCRLF + "" + vbCRLF + Err.Description, vbCritical, "Fatal error!"                               ' I will probably comment this out when this VBScript runs automatically as a scheduled job.
End If

Cnt = CInt(0)
For Each oFile In oFiles
  If oFSO.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name) = "csv" Then ' Checks for "csv" file extension.
    If (cOnlyOneFile And (oFile.Name = cOnlyFileName)) Or (Not cOnlyOneFile) Then
      Call ReplaceSymbols(oFile.Name) 
      Cnt = Cnt + 1
    End If
  End If


MsgBox "Replacing is done. Total number of files had been processed: " + CStr(Cnt), vbExclamation, "Message..."                                    ' I will probably comment this out when this VBScript runs automatically as a scheduled job.
' cleanup
Set oFiles = Nothing 
Set oFSO = Nothing

' Find-and-replace:
Sub ReplaceSymbols(oFileName) ' AKA "File.Name".
  If oFSO.FileExists(oFileName) Then 
    Set oTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(oFileName, 1, False) 
    sFileContents = oTextFile.ReadAll 

    Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 
    With oRegEx 
      .Global = True 
      .IgnoreCase = False 
      .Pattern = "," ' Or vbTab or "|" etc...
      sFileContents = .Replace(sFileContents, "|") 
'      .Pattern = "\|"                               ' reverse replacing
'      sFileContents = .Replace(sFileContents, ",") 
    End With 

    Set oNewFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(oFileName, True) ' Maybe oNewFile is not needed--it just could have been called oTextFile.
    oNewFile.Write sFileContents 
  End If
End Sub

' NOTE: This first way would only work on my PC, not on the other user's PCs; so I must use the second snippet, Senmail(), at the bottom. NOTE: If I made the changes marked "future testing" this might work.
' Send email to Jon Doe. --If the PC this runs on is not set right, this email will not get sent. 
'Set oMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
'oMessage.From     = "Generated automatically for AWARE " ' NOTE: If future testing: Comment this out.  
'oMessage.To       = "[email protected],[email protected]"       ' NOTE: If future testing: Should be ";".                                      
'oMessage.Subject  = "AWARE: Extracts done."       
'oMessage.Sender   = "[email protected]"                       ' NOTE: If future testing: Comment this out.                                               
'oMessage.TextBody = "AWARE: Commas replaced with pipes." 

' NOTE : Is using MS Outlook API to send e-mails. So check If MS Outlook installed on a workstation before a using of this script.
Sub Senmail()
  Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
  With objOutlookMsg
' This line caused it not to even popup warning, so leave it off:   .From     = "[email protected] "   ' "Generated automatically for AWARE "
     .To = "[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]"   
     .Subject = "AWARE: Extracts done."
' This line caused it not to even popup warning, so leave it off:   .Sender   = "[email protected]"   ' NOTE: jon.doe2's email is automatically inserted here because it is sent from here Outlook.
     .Body = "AWARE: Commas replaced with pipes. [Note: This message was generated and sent automatically.]"
  End With
  Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing
  Set objOutlook = Nothing
End Sub

06 March 2008

Create SSIS to copy tables

An SSIS to copy tables from a Source to a Destination. Directions:

  1. From Start, select SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio
  2. File
    1. New Project…
      1. Project types: Business Intelligence Projects
      2. Integration Services Project…
      3. Click “OK
  3. Toolbox
    1. Drag "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" to "Control Flow" tab's pane.
      1. Right-click choose Edit…
        1. Objects
          1. SourceConnection ‹New connection…› = NWDSQL
          2. SourceDatabase = NIS_empl_wage
          3. DestinationConnection ‹New connection…› = TESTSQL
          4. DestinationDatabase = NIS_empl_wage
          5. CopyData = True
          6. ExistingData = Replace (so not append (dup errors))
          7. ObjectsToCopy (expand)
            1. CopyAllTables = True (so not sprocs)
          8. Note: Leave all other options False. Ex., Table Options—Can leave all these False because it will just move data so Destination’s Primary Keys will remain.
      2. Click “OK
  4. Save and Run

Note 1: Your Properties for the Transfer SQL Server Objects Task will now look like this:

  1. CopyAllTables = True (so not sprocs)
  2. CopyData = True
  3. DestinationConnection = TESTSQL
  4. DestinationDatabase = NIS_empl_wage
  5. ExistingData = Replace (so not append (dup errors))
  6. SourceConnection = NWDSQL
  7. SourceDatabase = NIS_empl_wage

Note 2: A DB "restore" by the DBA would nix Destination tables that do not exist in Source tables; but not this technique.

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